Hold down shift and click on the mailbox and click alter needs and choose enable world needs decay Hold down shift and click on the mailbox and click alter needs and choose enable household needs decay Hold down shift and click on the mailbox and click alter needs and choose disable world needs decay Stops The Entire World’s Needs From Decaying Hold down shift and click on the mailbox and click alter needs and choose disable household needs decay Stops Your Household’s Needs From Decaying Hold down shift and click on the mailbox and click alter needs and choose fill needs (world)
Hold down shift and click on the mailbox and click alter needs and choose fill needs (household) Hold down shift and click on your sim and click enable need decay Hold down shift and click on your sim and click disable need decay Hold down shift and click on your sim and click make happy For cheating needs you’ll want to hold down shift on your keyboard and you’ll want to click either on your sim or on your sim’s mailbox depending on the cheat type.
The first type is the shift click cheats that you can use after cheats are enabled. There are two types of need cheats in the game with one being a bit easier to use than the others.